is a website of a massage parlour which aims to get persons rid of stress and improve their well beings. They propose a large range of massage which are all of great quality.

This massage parlour is located in Plessis-Bouchard (Postal code : 95130), France

I helped in this project to :

  • Design the website
  • Setup the website
  • Choose and setup scheduling functionality
  • Setup the galleries
  • Setup SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in order to have the website well referenced.

You can visit the website at :

Pinkflower main page

Energia – Analiza – Urządzenia

I actively collaborated with Tomasz SZYMANSKI in order to help him to set up his website.

This website give you advise, definitions and propose you devices in order to measure and benefit from different kind of energy advantages.

Website url :

Screen shot of the Energia – Analyza – Urządzenia website.

Database Template Handler Project

As the ORMs (Object Relational Model) are now very used in the computer development project in order to manage interfacing between systems, the DB Template Handler project is an atempt to solve the issue of the heterogeneity between languages that you interface in your data access layout.

The Project try to create a devoted semantic and language basic functionality to manage the generation of every file suitable to database or other DAL interfacing.


The project page :